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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Yesterday I got a Card in the Mail...


Not sure why you thought it was okay to send me a birthday card for the first time in over 30 years just to tell me what you think I should do. It was one of the most selfish things anyone has done to me in recent history. In the future I can do without the card…and the judgment. You don’t know a damn thing about my life or happiness and to imply that I’m the one with the problem because I refuse to have someone else’s idea of morals crammed down my throat, or refuse to tolerate my cousins racist emails sent out in the name of patriotism and Christianity…man you are way off base here. I don’t have to put up with that from anyone especially from my family…And your wrong…I don’t have to love a damn one of them. Especially a bunch of self serving judgmental religious whack jobs who pretend to have morals because they believe an invisible man lives in the sky, that snakes can talk, and who use their religious beliefs as a way to judge others and breed more intolerance and hatred. If you really “care” you might wanna try getting both sides of the story before passing judgment as to my state of mind. I am happy, and I don’t live in fear of anything or anyone because the people who really matter to me know what I am and what I stand for…and as my father was fond of sayings, “If you don’t like it…that ain’t my problem.” I’ll be sure to send you a nice card for your birthday with my thoughts about you…How’d that be?

Regan M Jones

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